7:00 Lorcana Chaos Draft Shimmering Skies “Midnight” Release Party
With Ursuala defeated and her Entangled army free, it is time to celebrate our victory with a grand festival at The Great Illuminary! Join us for a chaos draft of the first 4 sets of Lorcana, facing off for prizing from Shimmering Skies!
We will Draft from one pack each of First Chapter, Rise of the Floodborn, Into the Inklands, and Ursula’s Return per person.
Shimmering Skies pack prizes will vary with attendance.
The chaos draft directly preceeds our Shimmering Skies Midnight Release. Anyone attending the chaos draft has priority for picking up Shimmering Skies orders.
Tournament format: Swiss, Three Bo3 rounds (50 minutes each) after a 50 minute deck building round.
Swiss is a non-elimination format that involves multiple rounds of competition. Players are paired with opponents who have a similar score after each round, rather than being eliminated after losses. The winner is the player with the highest total points earned across all rounds.
Bonus League Week: 3 points for attendance and 1 additional point for top 4
How do you draft? In Lorcana’s Booster Draft format, players each open a booster pack before choosing a card from their pack’s cards. Once they have chosen a card, they pass the remaining cards to their neighboring player before repeating with the cards they receive from their other neighbor. At the end of all packs being opened, you will create a 40 card deck. You will do this with 4 different packs. There are no restriction on colors for this format.

Hi, Wanted to know if you will be selling booster pack boxes at this event? Are you taking preorders?
We definitely take preorders. And boxes and packs we’ll start selling at Midnight.