10:00 MTG Regional Championship Qualifier Paradise SEALED in PALM SPRINGS
Join us in PALM SPRINGS at GameAcon convention for Board Game Paradise’s Regional Championship Qualifier! This event will provide 2 seats to the Star City’s Regional Championship. Saturday June 22nd will be sealed and Sunday June 23rd will be Pioneer. Sealed will include 6 packs of Outlaws of Thunder Junction for you to create decks with. Then a cut to top 8 will draft and compete for 2 seats. Tickets will be given as prizing for redemption at the prize wall.
A badge for GameAcon is required to enter the convention center play in this event. Use promo code MTGAC when registering for the weekend convention badge for a discount.
Saturday June 22nd
Registration at 10:00
Introduction and rules at 10:45 – required to be in seats ready
Start at 11:00
Depending on the number of players we are looking at 5-6 rounds with a cut to the top 8.
Top 8 will then draft to compete for 2 seats to a $130,000 tournament.