10:00 MTG Regional Championship Qualifier Paradise PIONEER in PALM SPRINGS
Join us in PALM SPRINGS at GameAcon convention for Board Game Paradise’s Regional Championship Qualifier! This event will provide 2 seats to the Star City’s $130,000 Regional Championship. Saturday June 22nd will be sealed and Sunday June 23rd will be Pioneer.
Bring the best Pioneer legal constructed deck for your chance at prizes and seats to compete at the $130,000 Regional Championship. Tickets will be given as prizing for redemption at the prize wall.
A badge for GameAcon is required to enter and play in this event. Use promo code MTGAC when registering for the weekend convention badge for a discount.
Sunday June 23rd
Registration/Deck lists at 10:00
Introduction and rules at 10:45 – required to be in seats ready
Start at 11:00
Depending on the number of players we are looking at 5-6 rounds with a cut to the top 8;
to compete for 2 seats to a $130,000 tournament.