
Aug 17 2024


2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

2:00 DND One-Shot: Ascent of the Idle Tower


You all knew Lord Mage Darran well. He was a kind and quiet man. You’ve worked for him for years now. Whether as an apprentice, a steward, a servant, a guard, or a hired mercenary, you have had years to build up rapport with Darran. In one of your recent errands for him, however, you’ve all discovered damning evidence that proved him guilty of a plot to take over. Your only course of action now is to try to stop him before he can finish his diabolical plan.


An isolated tower on the northern coast of the King’s Land.

Things to bring

  • Dice
  • Pencil
  • A Hunger for Adventure
  • Characters will be pre-generated


  • Adventure will be at 7th level
  • 6-8 players

Price: $10 per person

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